If you haven't checked that post and the comments; you may not know that one phrase that drives Molly nuts (and I share her disgust) is when people call a ribbed tank top a "wife beater". If you share our distain, check out http://www.liveawear.com/. This website offers a ribbed tank with the phrase printed on it "not a wifebeater".

Proceeds from the sale benefit a domestic violence charity. The site also speaks out against using this term in fashion and promotes awareness for the prevention of domestic abuse.
Check it out. Get behind it (or in one!). This is something I really stand behind. Hope you'll get on board too!
I LOVE IT!!! that is genious! (i should have thought of it first!!)
i want one!!!!!!
I knew you'd be all over it! I was super excited when I discovered it too!
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